Saturday, March 01, 2008

Christmas Time Pastor's Ponderings

The cold reality of winter is finally settling in around the area of lower Stillwater County. We are all getting ready for the Christmas holidays; we start our holiday season on Saturday, 1 December when we go to gather our Christmas tree and the ladies of the Faith Circle participate in a holiday bazaar at the Cobblestone celebrating Absarokee’s Snowflake Festival. We will have snow and cold, just what such an event calls for.

But this year, things are not quite as economically carefree as in years past. Gas prices are above $3.00/gallon, diesel is above $3.50/gallon, living here in Montana if you don’t have a car, you don’t go anywhere. Getting anywhere is getting a lot more expensive for us here. We will continue to pay the price for fuel, but either we do not drive as much, we cut down on expenses of other items, or we do both. We may grumble that our billfold is emptying out faster than it used to; but what about those who do not have much in the way of financial resources? How are they fairing in this cold hard reality of winter in Montana?

This past fall I’ve helped people who have come to the parsonage looking for shelter as they travel through the area. I have been able to refer them to Project Hope in Columbus for help with shelter overnight. Project Hope rents one of the cabins at Riverside Cabins for those who need temporary shelter. I was able to make use of this gracious resource twice this past fall. The people receiving this aid, where traveling through the area, they are not residents of Stillwater County, yet they received aid from Project Hope.

We may not be getting folks traveling through the area when it gets cold, windy and can snow at anytime, but there are people here in Stillwater County that need our help and assistance. Because we live in such a sparsely populated rural area, they are harder to find or see. But they are among us. By our collecting food during the season of Advent, we can help Project Hope provide food for those in need. Project Hope is centrally located in the county, they are staffed with volunteers who can provide assistance during business hours, they are there to help those who are seeking help. That is their call and that is their mission.

At this critical time of the year, we can offer our assistance to this organization. I would urge us to consider supporting Project Hope in any way we can through out the year. The need does not go away. If fuel prices keep rising into the $4.00/gallon range, the service Project Hope offers will even be in more demand. Support the only aid organization in the county that is staffed and available to people on a regular basis. They are only open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Support Project Hope with your time, with your financial resources as you are able, and with any extra food or clothing. They in turn can make it available to those in need. Jesus calls us to help our brothers and sisters who are without food, shelter or clothing. It is an ongoing opportunity for us to work to bring the Kingdom of God near. Let us work to make life a little better this Christmas for those in need, and the rest of the year as well.

Pastor Robert


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