Saturday, March 01, 2008

A Christmas Thank You

As we come to the end of 2007, Susan and I want to thank the community of Absarokee, and south Stillwater County. We have lived in the area one full year; we have seen a complete cycle of the seasons. It has been a full and rich year for us and we are blessed to live here, serve God’s people, be a part of the community, and witness the grandeur of God’s creation. Thank you to this community of Absarokee and the warm welcome you have offered us.
We offer our thanks to the congregation of Immanuel Lutheran Church who have been so kind and generous to us in their outpouring of Christian love and fellowship. We praise God from whom all blessing flow, for being blessed in serving this community of faith. This past December we as a community have mourned the loss of long standing members of our congregation, family and community; we have been a witness to the rampages of cancer among those whom we truly love and care. Yet we have been a witness to new life – baptism into the faithful assemble, the body of Christ, the Church. We as a congregation have together shared our sorrows, mourned our losses, rejoiced in our blessings. As a pastor, I have been a witness to the power of the Holy Spirit working through and with our congregation. At such times, I feel affirmed in my call to be a pastor to God’s people here at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Absarokee. To be a witness of the power of God at work in, with and through God’s people is truly an awesome, humbling and holy experience and I thank God, the congregation and the community for this honor.
During this season of Christmas, we thank the many people of Immanuel and Absarokee, who have offered their kindness and generosity to Susan and myself. I thank all who have worked to make this be such a festive and joyous season of the Church year at Immanuel. I thank this community of faith for caring for one another as Jesus calls us to do. I thank God for being a witness to this vocational expression of our faith in Christ Jesus – our living the Gospel. I pray for God’s blessings on this community and congregation as we engage in another year, witness another cycle of the seasons, in Absarokee, Montana.
God’s blessings and God’s peace be with you.

Pastor Robert Kieffer Leaverton
Immanuel Lutheran Church of
Absarokee, Montana


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