Thursday, January 29, 2009

After the Meeting

Pastor’s Ponderings:

I am pleased our annual meeting went well and that we were able to recognize and thank all who contribute to the ministry and mission of Immanuel Lutheran Church here in Absarokee. Our call to mission and ministry is communal. No one can accomplish God’s ministry by themselves. It takes a congregation. We work together to carry out the ministry of Jesus Christ, not just in our corner of the world here in Absarokee, Montana, but throughout the state of Montana, the United States and the world. We can make a contribution and we can make a difference, when we work together, responding to God’s call to us through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. When we do this - responding to God’s call to mission - our lives become vital, exciting, energized. God is working through us; we are the handmaidens, and servants of the Lord. God is a part of our lives, a living presence with us. We discover, our ministry is exciting.

Ask the ladies of the Faith Circle how they feel in carrying out their ministry: the making of quilts, offering Fair Trade Coffee for sale, knitting sweaters, serving the congregation and community at various functions and events. Ask those involved in caring for our church facilities, those who govern the church. They make it possible for us to carry out our ministry and mission. Ask those who educate our children and care for them. They are helping to teach them about the love of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ and what that means for them in their lives. Ask what it means for them as they live out the ministry God call us to each and every day.

But our congregation is more than a civic club, classroom, or craft center. We gather together every Sunday to hear God’s Word proclaimed and to receive the sacraments. We come and gather to feed, nourish our Spirit, to discern God’s plan for us and to live in community as the Body of Christ in the world. We gather to experience the love of God and be disciples of Jesus Christ. We do this together, as Jesus tells us: “Whenever two or three are gathered in my Name, I am among you.” We gather as a congregation and worship God together, because Christ is present in our midst, we experience the Holy among us. Strengthened and nourished by God’s Word and promises to us, we go out into the world to proclaim the love of God by our actions. Through the cross we are liberated by God’s grace and called to go and share God’s love with others. Being a Christian is not a static activity. Being a Christian is a dynamic, active and involved activity with others. Don’t be shy about proclaiming and living God’s love for you in your lives. You never can tell when it will make a difference in the lives of those we meet.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Third Christmas

This is the third Christmas I have spent with you here in Absarokee. These past Christmases have all been unique and special to me. I have found Christmas here in Absarokee to be very rich, meaningful and spiritually rewarding. You all are the best Christmas present I could ever receive. You all have been so kind and generous to Susan and me. Your friendship is very much appreciated by me and it is an honor to be your pastor. As a congregation you fill me with pride and joy. Are we perfect? No, we will never be perfect. But we are responsive to God’s call to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ both in word and deed. There will always be work for us to do as disciples of Jesus Christ. Yes we live in a good community, but we can strive to make it better. We can work to communicate our ideas towards being a better community. We can continue to give of ourselves and care for each other, both friend and stranger among us. God calls us into relationship with our creator and calls us to be in relationship with each other. The new year opens up to us a new time to strive and work for the Kingdom of God. This is no easy task. God promises to be with us as we carry out our ministry here in Absarokee at Immanuel Lutheran Church.

I would ask you to prayerfully reflect concerning our ministry as a congregation; what do we do well, what can we do better? How can we stretch ourselves and grow strong in our ministry? How can we exercise our faith and reflect the love of God in what we do? What is our mission and ministry as the congregation of Immanuel Lutheran Church? Our mission, carrying out the call to ministry in Jesus Christ, is what will make us a vital and dynamic congregation, one where we excited and engaged in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the Good News - as Pastor Richard Hardell says: Christ makes life exciting. Our call to ministry is exciting! Our call to ministry opens to us possibilities, more than we could ever imagine. My challenge to us: lets be active, committed and engaged in our discovery of mission and in carrying out our ministry. Let that be our goal for the upcoming new year.

Thank you for all your kindness and love shared with Susan and me this past year. May God bless you and bestow upon you his gracious love and boundless mercy.